What Can You Claim Back When You’re A Nurse In The UK

Did you know that if you’re working as a nurse in the UK you may be entitled to claim back tax relief on your earnings. Although there are certain things that will be paid for by your employer, there may be times when you need to pay for things out of your own pocket. But don’t worry, you should be able to claim this money back through your tax.

So what exactly can you claim for?


If you have a set uniform, it’s likely that your employer will provide this for you, but in some circumstances you may need to purchase additional items, such as socks, tights or safety shoes. As these are an essential part of your job, you will be able to claim for these.


If your workplace does not provide any laundry facilities, either on or off site and you are having to wash or dry clean your uniform at your own expense then you will be entitled to claim relief on this out-of-pocket expense.


As a nurse, it is often essential to pay for certain memberships to official bodies. If your employer doesn’t cover the cost for this, then it is essential that you pay for membership yourself as this could affect your employment or qualifications. However if you must pay for these yourself and it is classed an essential, then you will be able to claim the money back through your tax relief.

Think you may be owed some money from the Tax Man? Apply here to get your tax back.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

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